Put a night that you do not want to stay at home, despite rain and freezing cold face (cabbage !)... we are in August put an evening you want to hear good music, with the an open mind and without thinking, maybe drinking a few beers ... And then he goes to town ... and Unity Day are the Rosolina Mar.
What a surprise, pleasant, of course. I had heard a few pieces on their site and I was intrigued. And then, I love the instrumental band, that communicate only with sound and without the useless and often half empty which is the word. Worshipping the Don Caballero, I decided to listen to this trio of guys from Verona.
I'm not a musician, but I think we stand a purely instrumental concert is not easy. It 'easy to get bored. Well, Rosolina Mar do not, even fun, thanks to their interpretation and how they move on stage. With two guitars and drums, the three offer a high quality sound, very diverse, with citations rock. Little noise, and when there is, well balanced, very many rhythm and solos.
short fun evening with great music and, most recently in Italy you hear very often.
So ... Keep an eye on if they come from your share in an evening gray and cold, the Rosolina Mar are the best thing you can hear.
What a surprise, pleasant, of course. I had heard a few pieces on their site and I was intrigued. And then, I love the instrumental band, that communicate only with sound and without the useless and often half empty which is the word. Worshipping the Don Caballero, I decided to listen to this trio of guys from Verona.
I'm not a musician, but I think we stand a purely instrumental concert is not easy. It 'easy to get bored. Well, Rosolina Mar do not, even fun, thanks to their interpretation and how they move on stage. With two guitars and drums, the three offer a high quality sound, very diverse, with citations rock. Little noise, and when there is, well balanced, very many rhythm and solos.
short fun evening with great music and, most recently in Italy you hear very often.
So ... Keep an eye on if they come from your share in an evening gray and cold, the Rosolina Mar are the best thing you can hear.
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