At the oar
having to care about the development of the Torino city of water, which provides for the development of parks along the rivers throughout the metropolitan area, catches your eye to the need to disseminate along the rivers a number of calls for go on the water rowing, together with places of rest and refreshment overlooking the water.
It proposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba bar terrace with a landing stage on the banks of the Dora near Ponte Mosca (Bridge Turin is an ancient engineering marvel, built in 1830 on the designs of Moscow was famous throughout Europe for ' boldness of design, execution and perfection of elegant slenderness).
A terrace situated at an altitude higher than the level flood, could provide a place to stay to enjoy the water park.
A floating dock - high in case of flooding - as well as ensuring a port would be in the sun on the water.
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