Let's face it, Radiohead in terms of musical originality and not only are second to none ... The turning point of
Kida and Amnesiac after that masterpiece which has Ok Computer left many of stucco, often disgusted ... The fans have followed them in mass, in choosing not to produce video, but of very short clips to be broadcast on.
And now, after one album, Hail to the Thief which marked another small musical change of direction, there they were again at work: just today came out in Raimbows. The title is beautiful, the songs I will bring to mind all the time, I do not know why ... But I will not talk about the album, I want to digest and still give an opinion ... I want to talk about the operation of marketing have set up. Certainly the
have read about, talk about it for some time. From today you can download the entire album from their site. Yes, yes, you can download it free with a donation! In the shops will be out in December. Already now you can book edition deluxe double CD includes tracks with other more, vinyl, and those nostalgic for the vintage from the soul, the code for download directly to your iPod. The price is altino, 40 pounds, but you can think ...
These guys are geniuses. By doing so you say, "OK, guys, want to download, but you're afraid of fines and to make a thing illegal? No problem, download as well, give me what I want to ...". Recently in America have given a huge fine for p2p ... But in so doing they also give a nice slap to the majors record, ways that impose sales prices ... Remember now that Radiohead no longer have any contract with any label. Children are free.
I downloaded once, but I'll take the cd in stores in December.
Today, as I prepare to put your headphones and listen In Raimbows , I thought about how many people I was close, although far in the world committed to making the same gesture, after you download the mp3 of your favorite band ...
The magic of the new frontiers.
Kida and Amnesiac after that masterpiece which has Ok Computer left many of stucco, often disgusted ... The fans have followed them in mass, in choosing not to produce video, but of very short clips to be broadcast on.
And now, after one album, Hail to the Thief which marked another small musical change of direction, there they were again at work: just today came out in Raimbows. The title is beautiful, the songs I will bring to mind all the time, I do not know why ... But I will not talk about the album, I want to digest and still give an opinion ... I want to talk about the operation of marketing have set up. Certainly the
have read about, talk about it for some time. From today you can download the entire album from their site. Yes, yes, you can download it free with a donation! In the shops will be out in December. Already now you can book edition deluxe double CD includes tracks with other more, vinyl, and those nostalgic for the vintage from the soul, the code for download directly to your iPod. The price is altino, 40 pounds, but you can think ...
These guys are geniuses. By doing so you say, "OK, guys, want to download, but you're afraid of fines and to make a thing illegal? No problem, download as well, give me what I want to ...". Recently in America have given a huge fine for p2p ... But in so doing they also give a nice slap to the majors record, ways that impose sales prices ... Remember now that Radiohead no longer have any contract with any label. Children are free.
I downloaded once, but I'll take the cd in stores in December.
Today, as I prepare to put your headphones and listen In Raimbows , I thought about how many people I was close, although far in the world committed to making the same gesture, after you download the mp3 of your favorite band ...
The magic of the new frontiers.
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