Thursday, October 11, 2007

Loudest Portable Ipod Boombox

In Rainbows - Radiohead

Here we are.
I'll have the new Radiohead album (mp3 format) between yesterday and today at least twenty times ... minimum.
I'm not a music expert ... just a fan. Music in general, but especially Radiohead.
I say my ... this album is far superior to the previous Hail to the Thief. Here the group came out strong and unsettling experience of Kida and Amnesiac and felt an attempted return to the old sounds, however, giving birth to an album of excellent pieces, but in the end it was a hybrid. I always thought the beauty of Kida, heavy and difficult album, was his consistency monolithic, unassailable work, full and complete a masterpiece. And here we are on this road.
The sound changes yet. Or rather, there is much that is already felt in the previous year and also in solo Thom Yorke (The Eraser excellent). But here these sounds are completed and filed. Less mail, always present, and some mention rock, with a pinch of low-fi and garage (label shot, but then again I'm not a critic ... if I say stupid things, correct me!).

The album opens with the electronics and the wonderful chant of Thom ... but the piece takes on an air of easygoing, far from the views of the darkest past.
Bodysnatchers is a rock song, with a crude guitar, very reminiscent of moments even Pablo Honey!
Nude is a slow song, I think already known by some b-sides.
The core of the album is the tracks 4, 5 and 7, with the brief interlude of songwriting and Faust Arp. The guitar arpeggios, which again makes itself felt in an overwhelming, create music turns charming and dreamy. This is aided by the voice of Yorke.
House of cards is a strange song for Radiohead ... always seems born of a dream ... very low-fi and minimalist, but beautiful.
The track nine I think that most British and I was reminded in some ways something Richard Ashcroft ... but I would not swear. Then the guitar part and hear sounds even seventies ...
An album that gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bcarefree, travel between the colors of the rainbow, which ends with a strange piece and partly dark, sad ... that is reminiscent of Radiohead that we know more.

A new album in short, to listen to a repetition of Radiohead again ... with fresh and lively after the glories of Kida.


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