Thursday, October 11, 2007

Loudest Portable Ipod Boombox

In Rainbows - Radiohead

Here we are.
I'll have the new Radiohead album (mp3 format) between yesterday and today at least twenty times ... minimum.
I'm not a music expert ... just a fan. Music in general, but especially Radiohead.
I say my ... this album is far superior to the previous Hail to the Thief. Here the group came out strong and unsettling experience of Kida and Amnesiac and felt an attempted return to the old sounds, however, giving birth to an album of excellent pieces, but in the end it was a hybrid. I always thought the beauty of Kida, heavy and difficult album, was his consistency monolithic, unassailable work, full and complete a masterpiece. And here we are on this road.
The sound changes yet. Or rather, there is much that is already felt in the previous year and also in solo Thom Yorke (The Eraser excellent). But here these sounds are completed and filed. Less mail, always present, and some mention rock, with a pinch of low-fi and garage (label shot, but then again I'm not a critic ... if I say stupid things, correct me!).

The album opens with the electronics and the wonderful chant of Thom ... but the piece takes on an air of easygoing, far from the views of the darkest past.
Bodysnatchers is a rock song, with a crude guitar, very reminiscent of moments even Pablo Honey!
Nude is a slow song, I think already known by some b-sides.
The core of the album is the tracks 4, 5 and 7, with the brief interlude of songwriting and Faust Arp. The guitar arpeggios, which again makes itself felt in an overwhelming, create music turns charming and dreamy. This is aided by the voice of Yorke.
House of cards is a strange song for Radiohead ... always seems born of a dream ... very low-fi and minimalist, but beautiful.
The track nine I think that most British and I was reminded in some ways something Richard Ashcroft ... but I would not swear. Then the guitar part and hear sounds even seventies ...
An album that gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bcarefree, travel between the colors of the rainbow, which ends with a strange piece and partly dark, sad ... that is reminiscent of Radiohead that we know more.

A new album in short, to listen to a repetition of Radiohead again ... with fresh and lively after the glories of Kida.

Loudest Portable Ipod Boombox

In Rainbows - Radiohead

Here we are.
I'll have the new Radiohead album (mp3 format) between yesterday and today at least twenty times ... minimum.
I'm not a music expert ... just a fan. Music in general, but especially Radiohead.
I say my ... this album is far superior to the previous Hail to the Thief. Here the group came out strong and unsettling experience of Kida and Amnesiac and felt an attempted return to the old sounds, however, giving birth to an album of excellent pieces, but in the end it was a hybrid. I always thought the beauty of Kida, heavy and difficult album, was his consistency monolithic, unassailable work, full and complete a masterpiece. And here we are on this road.
The sound changes yet. Or rather, there is much that is already felt in the previous year and also in solo Thom Yorke (The Eraser excellent). But here these sounds are completed and filed. Less mail, always present, and some mention rock, with a pinch of low-fi and garage (label shot, but then again I'm not a critic ... if I say stupid things, correct me!).

The album opens with the electronics and the wonderful chant of Thom ... but the piece takes on an air of easygoing, far from the views of the darkest past.
Bodysnatchers is a rock song, with a crude guitar, very reminiscent of moments even Pablo Honey!
Nude is a slow song, I think already known by some b-sides.
The core of the album is the tracks 4, 5 and 7, with the brief interlude of songwriting and Faust Arp. The guitar arpeggios, which again makes itself felt in an overwhelming, create music turns charming and dreamy. This is aided by the voice of Yorke.
House of cards is a strange song for Radiohead ... always seems born of a dream ... very low-fi and minimalist, but beautiful.
The track nine I think that most British and I was reminded in some ways something Richard Ashcroft ... but I would not swear. Then the guitar part and hear sounds even seventies ...
An album that gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bcarefree, travel between the colors of the rainbow, which ends with a strange piece and partly dark, sad ... that is reminiscent of Radiohead that we know more.

A new album in short, to listen to a repetition of Radiohead again ... with fresh and lively after the glories of Kida.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How To Adjust A Chinstrap On A Lax Helmet

New frontiers ...

Let's face it, Radiohead in terms of musical originality and not only are second to none ... The turning point of
Kida and Amnesiac after that masterpiece which has Ok Computer left many of stucco, often disgusted ... The fans have followed them in mass, in choosing not to produce video, but of very short clips to be broadcast on.
And now, after one album, Hail to the Thief which marked another small musical change of direction, there they were again at work: just today came out in Raimbows. The title is beautiful, the songs I will bring to mind all the time, I do not know why ... But I will not talk about the album, I want to digest and still give an opinion ... I want to talk about the operation of marketing have set up. Certainly the
have read about, talk about it for some time. From today you can download the entire album from their site. Yes, yes, you can download it free with a donation! In the shops will be out in December. Already now you can book edition deluxe double CD includes tracks with other more, vinyl, and those nostalgic for the vintage from the soul, the code for download directly to your iPod. The price is altino, 40 pounds, but you can think ...
These guys are geniuses. By doing so you say, "OK, guys, want to download, but you're afraid of fines and to make a thing illegal? No problem, download as well, give me what I want to ...". Recently in America have given a huge fine for p2p ... But in so doing they also give a nice slap to the majors record, ways that impose sales prices ... Remember now that Radiohead no longer have any contract with any label. Children are free.
I downloaded once, but I'll take the cd in stores in December.
Today, as I prepare to put your headphones and listen In Raimbows , I thought about how many people I was close, although far in the world committed to making the same gesture, after you download the mp3 of your favorite band ...

The magic of the new frontiers.

How To Adjust A Chinstrap On A Lax Helmet

New frontiers ...

Let's face it, Radiohead in terms of musical originality and not only are second to none ... The turning point of
Kida and Amnesiac after that masterpiece which has Ok Computer left many of stucco, often disgusted ... The fans have followed them in mass, in choosing not to produce video, but of very short clips to be broadcast on.
And now, after one album, Hail to the Thief which marked another small musical change of direction, there they were again at work: just today came out in Raimbows. The title is beautiful, the songs I will bring to mind all the time, I do not know why ... But I will not talk about the album, I want to digest and still give an opinion ... I want to talk about the operation of marketing have set up. Certainly the
have read about, talk about it for some time. From today you can download the entire album from their site. Yes, yes, you can download it free with a donation! In the shops will be out in December. Already now you can book edition deluxe double CD includes tracks with other more, vinyl, and those nostalgic for the vintage from the soul, the code for download directly to your iPod. The price is altino, 40 pounds, but you can think ...
These guys are geniuses. By doing so you say, "OK, guys, want to download, but you're afraid of fines and to make a thing illegal? No problem, download as well, give me what I want to ...". Recently in America have given a huge fine for p2p ... But in so doing they also give a nice slap to the majors record, ways that impose sales prices ... Remember now that Radiohead no longer have any contract with any label. Children are free.
I downloaded once, but I'll take the cd in stores in December.
Today, as I prepare to put your headphones and listen In Raimbows , I thought about how many people I was close, although far in the world committed to making the same gesture, after you download the mp3 of your favorite band ...

The magic of the new frontiers.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Is Mount And Blade For Mac?


Segnalo something really interesting ...
My friend Silvia (thanks ...) pointed me the site, where you can insert the library. In practice, you can publish the books you have on the shelves, you are reading or want to read. The most interesting thing is that you can see who else has the same book and in general a similar library. The inclusion of books is a bit 'slow, but simple (by ISBN).
I are taking a lot!
If you want to see what I read, go here .

Is Mount And Blade For Mac?


Segnalo something really interesting ...
My friend Silvia (thanks ...) pointed me the site, where you can insert the library. In practice, you can publish the books you have on the shelves, you are reading or want to read. The most interesting thing is that you can see who else has the same book and in general a similar library. The inclusion of books is a bit 'slow, but simple (by ISBN).
I are taking a lot!
If you want to see what I read, go here .

Rectal Prolapse V Hemorrhoids

big babies unite!

Retype after all to publicly thank the Minister for Economic Padoa Schioppa for giving me the big baby (I put the "b" in uppercase pride ...), since I'm still at home with my parents.
I also thank for the relief, to the limit I eat some pizza in there anymore.

This again demonstrates the distance of the present policy and its dullness.
Without words.

Rectal Prolapse V Hemorrhoids

big babies unite!

Retype after all to publicly thank the Minister for Economic Padoa Schioppa for giving me the big baby (I put the "b" in uppercase pride ...), since I'm still at home with my parents.
I also thank for the relief, to the limit I eat some pizza in there anymore.

This again demonstrates the distance of the present policy and its dullness.
Without words.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Abortion Services In Boston Area

Concerto Rosolina Mar - Cream 22/08/2007

Put a night that you do not want to stay at home, despite rain and freezing cold face (cabbage !)... we are in August put an evening you want to hear good music, with the an open mind and without thinking, maybe drinking a few beers ... And then he goes to town ... and Unity Day are the Rosolina Mar.
What a surprise, pleasant, of course. I had heard a few pieces on their site and I was intrigued. And then, I love the instrumental band, that communicate only with sound and without the useless and often half empty which is the word. Worshipping the Don Caballero, I decided to listen to this trio of guys from Verona.
I'm not a musician, but I think we stand a purely instrumental concert is not easy. It 'easy to get bored. Well, Rosolina Mar do not, even fun, thanks to their interpretation and how they move on stage. With two guitars and drums, the three offer a high quality sound, very diverse, with citations rock. Little noise, and when there is, well balanced, very many rhythm and solos.
short fun evening with great music and, most recently in Italy you hear very often.
So ... Keep an eye on if they come from your share in an evening gray and cold, the Rosolina Mar are the best thing you can hear.

Abortion Services In Boston Area

Concerto Rosolina Mar - Cream 22/08/2007

Put a night that you do not want to stay at home, despite rain and freezing cold face (cabbage !)... we are in August put an evening you want to hear good music, with the an open mind and without thinking, maybe drinking a few beers ... And then he goes to town ... and Unity Day are the Rosolina Mar.
What a surprise, pleasant, of course. I had heard a few pieces on their site and I was intrigued. And then, I love the instrumental band, that communicate only with sound and without the useless and often half empty which is the word. Worshipping the Don Caballero, I decided to listen to this trio of guys from Verona.
I'm not a musician, but I think we stand a purely instrumental concert is not easy. It 'easy to get bored. Well, Rosolina Mar do not, even fun, thanks to their interpretation and how they move on stage. With two guitars and drums, the three offer a high quality sound, very diverse, with citations rock. Little noise, and when there is, well balanced, very many rhythm and solos.
short fun evening with great music and, most recently in Italy you hear very often.
So ... Keep an eye on if they come from your share in an evening gray and cold, the Rosolina Mar are the best thing you can hear.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What Things Can You Find In Blood Test

Stir of Echoes - Stir of Echoes

Sunday evening broadcast on television Stir of Echoes (far more beautiful and meaningful the original title, Stir of Echoes), beautiful 1999 film directed by David Koepp and starring a talented Kevin Bacon .
The film is often shown on television, but I wanted a moment to emphasize the importance and originality of the title.

Little Jake has special powers ... it seems able to speak with the dead and sees things that others can not. The father Tom is a young man disappointed by life and not satisfied, apparently an ordinary person. After a hypnotic session, something changes in him and begins to see and hear strange things ...
The plot may at first suggest The Sixth Sense, M. Night overrated film of the phantom Shyamalan. Often, this film was pulled over and place in the wake of the movie with Bruce Willis. But in reality the two films are of the same year and, although starting from a given municipality, then diverge to different shores.
While Shyamalan's film is built around the final effect, however, anticipated by a growing tension, that of the unknown Koepp is built on doubt, on anxiety research. The story centers on the child than the father trying to unravel the tangle of his visions, facing a new gift for the first time. The film sometimes gets stuck, but has the advantage of often fill the viewer in doubt, provide clues and ideas and then not fully explained, but they're standing, something increasingly rare nowadays. Of note also a clever use of special effects, really well done and refined. The film is based partly thanks to the interpretation of Bacon, always ready to sacrifice the story that plays every now and scored substantial points of his filmography ( Tremors, Mystic River, The Woodsman ). Koepp has rejected the less successful Secret Window.
Some memorable sequences: the scene of hypnosis, with images of the cinema / theater, the visions of Bacon and a shift in the other dimension, the final scene ...
last note. Behind a great movie, there is often a great writer ... It is not always true, but in this case. The story is in fact taken from a story by the great Richard Matheson, one of the greatest writers still living, the acknowledged master Stephen King. Matheson is unknown to most, but in reality is the author of I Am Legend , from which various versions have been taken and is going to get another Will Smith (of hopefully good ...), Duel ... E 'was also the author of the television episodes of Star Trek and The Twilight Zone.

What Things Can You Find In Blood Test

Stir of Echoes - Stir of Echoes

Sunday evening broadcast on television Stir of Echoes (far more beautiful and meaningful the original title, Stir of Echoes), beautiful 1999 film directed by David Koepp and starring a talented Kevin Bacon .
The film is often shown on television, but I wanted a moment to emphasize the importance and originality of the title.

Little Jake has special powers ... it seems able to speak with the dead and sees things that others can not. The father Tom is a young man disappointed by life and not satisfied, apparently an ordinary person. After a hypnotic session, something changes in him and begins to see and hear strange things ...
The plot may at first suggest The Sixth Sense, M. Night overrated film of the phantom Shyamalan. Often, this film was pulled over and place in the wake of the movie with Bruce Willis. But in reality the two films are of the same year and, although starting from a given municipality, then diverge to different shores.
While Shyamalan's film is built around the final effect, however, anticipated by a growing tension, that of the unknown Koepp is built on doubt, on anxiety research. The story centers on the child than the father trying to unravel the tangle of his visions, facing a new gift for the first time. The film sometimes gets stuck, but has the advantage of often fill the viewer in doubt, provide clues and ideas and then not fully explained, but they're standing, something increasingly rare nowadays. Of note also a clever use of special effects, really well done and refined. The film is based partly thanks to the interpretation of Bacon, always ready to sacrifice the story that plays every now and scored substantial points of his filmography ( Tremors, Mystic River, The Woodsman ). Koepp has rejected the less successful Secret Window.
Some memorable sequences: the scene of hypnosis, with images of the cinema / theater, the visions of Bacon and a shift in the other dimension, the final scene ...
last note. Behind a great movie, there is often a great writer ... It is not always true, but in this case. The story is in fact taken from a story by the great Richard Matheson, one of the greatest writers still living, the acknowledged master Stephen King. Matheson is unknown to most, but in reality is the author of I Am Legend , from which various versions have been taken and is going to get another Will Smith (of hopefully good ...), Duel ... E 'was also the author of the television episodes of Star Trek and The Twilight Zone.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Black Particles In Urine Blood

Lou Reed - Berlin Live Concert

Last night I attended the concert by Lou Reed in Cremona.
The usual strange connections of life ... until yesterday afternoon did not know the concert and Cremona, when I heard through a friend of mine in Cremona (thanks again!), I have the slingshot to biblietti. Of course the tickets were gone, but thanks to the pious souls who had an extra ticket, I managed to get (and also in a good position). Lucky man ... I confess I know little
Reed, much less the concept album that sounded in full yesterday, Berlin, recorded in 1973. But the icon Reed, singer and author cursed, pushed me to the concert. What, really good gig ... Lou comes on stage with a real orchestra composed of woodwinds, strings, a choir of boys and a singer knows fear. Mix incredibly talented musicians, Reed's personality, a beautiful setting, and you have an exciting concert. The bottom mimics the art of Chinese screens. Hung crooked and there is also a sofa which is charged as a foreign object in the scene. The peaceful backdrop of China, however, is animated and upset by movies that are shown above, to comment about the song perfectly.
Reed is a great performer and a great story-teller ... and the story told by Berlin is a story of love and loneliness, sad and gloomy. An anguished album, which begins with great fanfare and ends in tragedy, experiencing moments of discouragement dictated by some slow pieces and poignant, absolutely magnificent. At the end of the album, Reed greeted everyone, then go back and play 3 or 4 pieces famous. In total an hour and a half of music and art together, full of feelings and images and data from the words of Lou from the haunting music of the album. Reed
To learn more go here . And
here for a discussion on the album.
The Italian tour ends tomorrow in Cagliari.

Black Particles In Urine Blood

Lou Reed - Berlin Live Concert

Last night I attended the concert by Lou Reed in Cremona.
The usual strange connections of life ... until yesterday afternoon did not know the concert and Cremona, when I heard through a friend of mine in Cremona (thanks again!), I have the slingshot to biblietti. Of course the tickets were gone, but thanks to the pious souls who had an extra ticket, I managed to get (and also in a good position). Lucky man ... I confess I know little
Reed, much less the concept album that sounded in full yesterday, Berlin, recorded in 1973. But the icon Reed, singer and author cursed, pushed me to the concert. What, really good gig ... Lou comes on stage with a real orchestra composed of woodwinds, strings, a choir of boys and a singer knows fear. Mix incredibly talented musicians, Reed's personality, a beautiful setting, and you have an exciting concert. The bottom mimics the art of Chinese screens. Hung crooked and there is also a sofa which is charged as a foreign object in the scene. The peaceful backdrop of China, however, is animated and upset by movies that are shown above, to comment about the song perfectly.
Reed is a great performer and a great story-teller ... and the story told by Berlin is a story of love and loneliness, sad and gloomy. An anguished album, which begins with great fanfare and ends in tragedy, experiencing moments of discouragement dictated by some slow pieces and poignant, absolutely magnificent. At the end of the album, Reed greeted everyone, then go back and play 3 or 4 pieces famous. In total an hour and a half of music and art together, full of feelings and images and data from the words of Lou from the haunting music of the album. Reed
To learn more go here . And
here for a discussion on the album.
The Italian tour ends tomorrow in Cagliari.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Is The 2009 Silverado Good In Mud

Sonico Sonico

Here I am again after a long pause. And back at the Sonic Youth concert in Ferrara, to whom I had spoken.
Friday, July 6. At 13.30 me and my three friends from cream in the car, at a time of Ferrara. I was hoping to get there first, but eventually parked around 17:30 because of the damn traffic usually around Bologna.
After a carefree ride in the city center, we arrive in Piazza del Duomo, next to the Castle. We hear them at some point the music and realize that Sonic was feeling. We thought we would get closer to the square of the castle where there was the stage, hoping to follow through the gates a few fragments evidence. Only that the square was open: the Sonic were doing the soundcheck to open gates in front of everyone!
We then slings under the stage and we have seen in practice to a mini concert about twenty minutes! They have proven especially the songs of the last album.

After the tests, Ranaldo and Shelley were on stage while Moore and Gordon get off the stage and off into the streets of Ferarri. Extremely available, take photos and sign autographs. Ecstatic, I could not find the strength to jump up to Gordon, even though it is one of my most secret dreams ...
After eating the sumptuous and huge sandwiches prepared by my friend Ali, also known as "Chef", we were shipped out of the Square, waiting for the official opening of the gates. In the meantime I realized that the sandwiches Ale was not so great because I was still gripped by the pangs of hunger. So I abbandondato my chums and I went to get a flatbread in a shack a few minutes from there. While waiting for that nice lady Emilia I prepare my baked flat bread and mozzarella, it's been there before Lee Ranaldo bike! Ferrara was shooting, map in hand, waiting for the concert. Then I cast on Ranaldo and look a bit '!

I'm the one without sunglasses ... I must really thank
Ale for rolls shriveled, without which I would not have got hungry, I would not go looking for something to eat and I would not have caught Ranaldo!
The strange twists of life ...

21 hours, the concert part of My Cat Is An Alien (I did not happen ....). Around 22
the concert begins.
And Sonic Youth playing Daydream Nation in full for their own! And what a beginning! They start with Teen Age Riot , played very well. They make the entire album without a break, with an increasing participation and performance. On stage there are only four of them. Concluding the concert dedicated to the album with Trilogy piece very challenging.
I'm no expert, but the feeling is that the Sonic have faithfully performed the album in 1988, updating certain passages, by better coordinating everything and taking care of every single part. The performance seemed perfect. Daydream Nation has always impressed me to the expressive violence of the songs, that sound is not perfect and often crude. When running the office of violence was felt throughout, the sound was less harsh, but always powerful.

Then they played again for a good half hour, making six pieces of the last album: Reena, Incinerate, Jams Run Free, Pink Steam, Or, What a Waste .
short, a great concert, that has honored a landmark album that twenty years after its release still retains its freshness and sonic impact. They then move certainly less, but still play the guitar with the arches against the scaffolding of the stage, raised above the head, thrown against the speaker. Kim Gordon, still during the performance of Daydream Nation, has been unleashed in the last few songs, jumping, moving around on stage, doing "circle" ... with a short, tight dress, in spite of his 54 years!

conclude with a bit 'of links to movies.
Here are some concert footage of Ferrara.
here instead to see concert of 2002, on a completely different stage, to understand the position he has today. And here, to remember the old days, young and rowdy.
Years pass, but they are always Sonic.
Sonic Youth is still alive.
(Thanks, Ale)

Is The 2009 Silverado Good In Mud

Sonico Sonico

Here I am again after a long pause. And back at the Sonic Youth concert in Ferrara, to whom I had spoken.
Friday, July 6. At 13.30 me and my three friends from cream in the car, at a time of Ferrara. I was hoping to get there first, but eventually parked around 17:30 because of the damn traffic usually around Bologna.
After a carefree ride in the city center, we arrive in Piazza del Duomo, next to the Castle. We hear them at some point the music and realize that Sonic was feeling. We thought we would get closer to the square of the castle where there was the stage, hoping to follow through the gates a few fragments evidence. Only that the square was open: the Sonic were doing the soundcheck to open gates in front of everyone!
We then slings under the stage and we have seen in practice to a mini concert about twenty minutes! They have proven especially the songs of the last album.

After the tests, Ranaldo and Shelley were on stage while Moore and Gordon get off the stage and off into the streets of Ferarri. Extremely available, take photos and sign autographs. Ecstatic, I could not find the strength to jump up to Gordon, even though it is one of my most secret dreams ...
After eating the sumptuous and huge sandwiches prepared by my friend Ali, also known as "Chef", we were shipped out of the Square, waiting for the official opening of the gates. In the meantime I realized that the sandwiches Ale was not so great because I was still gripped by the pangs of hunger. So I abbandondato my chums and I went to get a flatbread in a shack a few minutes from there. While waiting for that nice lady Emilia I prepare my baked flat bread and mozzarella, it's been there before Lee Ranaldo bike! Ferrara was shooting, map in hand, waiting for the concert. Then I cast on Ranaldo and look a bit '!

I'm the one without sunglasses ... I must really thank
Ale for rolls shriveled, without which I would not have got hungry, I would not go looking for something to eat and I would not have caught Ranaldo!
The strange twists of life ...

21 hours, the concert part of My Cat Is An Alien (I did not happen ....). Around 22
the concert begins.
And Sonic Youth playing Daydream Nation in full for their own! And what a beginning! They start with Teen Age Riot , played very well. They make the entire album without a break, with an increasing participation and performance. On stage there are only four of them. Concluding the concert dedicated to the album with Trilogy piece very challenging.
I'm no expert, but the feeling is that the Sonic have faithfully performed the album in 1988, updating certain passages, by better coordinating everything and taking care of every single part. The performance seemed perfect. Daydream Nation has always impressed me to the expressive violence of the songs, that sound is not perfect and often crude. When running the office of violence was felt throughout, the sound was less harsh, but always powerful.

Then they played again for a good half hour, making six pieces of the last album: Reena, Incinerate, Jams Run Free, Pink Steam, Or, What a Waste .
short, a great concert, that has honored a landmark album that twenty years after its release still retains its freshness and sonic impact. They then move certainly less, but still play the guitar with the arches against the scaffolding of the stage, raised above the head, thrown against the speaker. Kim Gordon, still during the performance of Daydream Nation, has been unleashed in the last few songs, jumping, moving around on stage, doing "circle" ... with a short, tight dress, in spite of his 54 years!

conclude with a bit 'of links to movies.
Here are some concert footage of Ferrara.
here instead to see concert of 2002, on a completely different stage, to understand the position he has today. And here, to remember the old days, young and rowdy.
Years pass, but they are always Sonic.
Sonic Youth is still alive.
(Thanks, Ale)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Estados Donde Puedo Encontrar

An anniversary

Next year will mark the twenty years since the release of an album historical and fundamental, not only for fans of Sonic Youth . Daydream Nation came out in 1988.
joined Sonic The masterpiece of all charge from the punk rock, especially British array, the dissonances of the first new wave and a strong policy against the government of Ronald Reagan ... Here it captures the true spirit of Sonic, the strong sensitivity of proximity to the cyberpunk literature ( Neuromancer by William Gibson in 1984, down in cyberspace in 1986). An album that has influenced much of what we believe.

Well, June 12 (do not know if only in the U.S. or worldwide) released a new version of the classic album with some bonus tracks. We will have two discs, one with the original album, one with live tracks. Those crazy for Sonic, they also decided to devote entire concerts to songs of Daydream Nation!
play in Italy in Turin on July 5, 6 in Ferrara, 7 in Rome. I'll be there for sure! For

more info visit

Estados Donde Puedo Encontrar

An anniversary

Next year will mark the twenty years since the release of an album historical and fundamental, not only for fans of Sonic Youth . Daydream Nation came out in 1988.
joined Sonic The masterpiece of all charge from the punk rock, especially British array, the dissonances of the first new wave and a strong policy against the government of Ronald Reagan ... Here it captures the true spirit of Sonic, the strong sensitivity of proximity to the cyberpunk literature ( Neuromancer by William Gibson in 1984, down in cyberspace in 1986). An album that has influenced much of what we believe.

Well, June 12 (do not know if only in the U.S. or worldwide) released a new version of the classic album with some bonus tracks. We will have two discs, one with the original album, one with live tracks. Those crazy for Sonic, they also decided to devote entire concerts to songs of Daydream Nation!
play in Italy in Turin on July 5, 6 in Ferrara, 7 in Rome. I'll be there for sure! For

more info visit

Backyard Weddings, Sacramento,c A

Neon Bible - Arcade Fire

After three years of their first album, they returned, the Arcade Fire, Canadian seven piece ensemble. Their previous work, Funeral, was reported for the original composition, sound and catchy indie, beautiful lyrics, sung in the particularity of the English and French ... Funeral is a fantastic album, with memorable pieces, but it takes a capacity still bitter (perhaps for this very charming).

The new album, Neon Bible , marks an evolution ... the music is partly changed, have become more complex and "full." The young Arcade Fire churn out a masterpiece, an album compact, monolithic, fully mature. There is thus confronted with blues ballads, with reminiscences of new wave, strong links with Springsteen and David Bowie ... The pieces are all nice, you do hear from the start. The first track, Black Mirror , it is very beautiful. A track about how difficult and seemingly Neon Bible, which gives the title track is really nice. After the first few plays, one gets the impression that the album grows more and more, to arrive at key junctions. One would expect then a decline, but you are then faced with even more beautiful pieces. Thus, at the end of the album, after a piece tascinante, sad and distressing as (Antichrist Television Blues) , listen in a row and Windowsill No Cars Go to arrive at the discharge of the blues My Body is a Cage .
Not everyone can join in a solid instruments as varied as the church organ, whole choirs ...
A special note for the lyrics, teetering between words of hope, doubt, anger, horror of war ... Also the beautiful packaging of the album ...
A short work by listening loop.
July 11, held in Ferrara, the only Italian date of their tour.

Backyard Weddings, Sacramento,c A

Neon Bible - Arcade Fire

After three years of their first album, they returned, the Arcade Fire, Canadian seven piece ensemble. Their previous work, Funeral, was reported for the original composition, sound and catchy indie, beautiful lyrics, sung in the particularity of the English and French ... Funeral is a fantastic album, with memorable pieces, but it takes a capacity still bitter (perhaps for this very charming).

The new album, Neon Bible , marks an evolution ... the music is partly changed, have become more complex and "full." The young Arcade Fire churn out a masterpiece, an album compact, monolithic, fully mature. There is thus confronted with blues ballads, with reminiscences of new wave, strong links with Springsteen and David Bowie ... The pieces are all nice, you do hear from the start. The first track, Black Mirror , it is very beautiful. A track about how difficult and seemingly Neon Bible, which gives the title track is really nice. After the first few plays, one gets the impression that the album grows more and more, to arrive at key junctions. One would expect then a decline, but you are then faced with even more beautiful pieces. Thus, at the end of the album, after a piece tascinante, sad and distressing as (Antichrist Television Blues) , listen in a row and Windowsill No Cars Go to arrive at the discharge of the blues My Body is a Cage .
Not everyone can join in a solid instruments as varied as the church organ, whole choirs ...
A special note for the lyrics, teetering between words of hope, doubt, anger, horror of war ... Also the beautiful packaging of the album ...
A short work by listening loop.
July 11, held in Ferrara, the only Italian date of their tour.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nadia Bjorlin Moving Violation

Farewell to Kurt Vonnegut

April 11, died at 84 years Kurt Vonnegut, one of the greatest science fiction writers (but not only) are still alive. Among his works Slaughterhouse 5 and The Sirens of Titan.
These are a few lines to say goodbye to an author that I'm only now discovering (much to my regret) and invite everyone to discover it by reading his books.
His official website is now so .
I refer you to (always) beautiful words of Malpertuis .

Nadia Bjorlin Moving Violation

Farewell to Kurt Vonnegut

April 11, died at 84 years Kurt Vonnegut, one of the greatest science fiction writers (but not only) are still alive. Among his works Slaughterhouse 5 and The Sirens of Titan.
These are a few lines to say goodbye to an author that I'm only now discovering (much to my regret) and invite everyone to discover it by reading his books.
His official website is now so .
I refer you to (always) beautiful words of Malpertuis .

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Palmolive Ingredients Msds

The House of Asterion - Jorge Louis Borges

"And the queen gave birth to a son who was called Asterion"
Apollodorus, Library III, 1

I know you accuse me of arrogance, and perhaps misanthropy, or madness. These charges (which will punish in due time) are ridiculous.
It is true that I leave the house, but it is also true that the doors (whose number is infinite) * remain open day and night to men and animals. Who wants to enter. You will not find luxury here womanly ne 'the splendid pomp of palaces, but the quiet and solitude.
It will find a home as there is none other on earth. (Mind the claim that in Egypt there is one like that.)
Even my detractors admit that the house is not only a mobile. Another lie is ridiculous that I, Asterion, am a prisoner. I'll have to repeat that there is a locked door, and added that there is only one lock? Moreover, once the sun set through the streets, and if the first night I went, it was for fear that infuses the faces of the crowd, faces faded and flat, like an open hand. The sun had set, but the heartfelt cry of a child and the rude I said prayers for the flock had been recognized. The people prayed, fled, prostrated themselves, and some climbed on stylobate of the temple of the Axes, others gathered stones. Someone, I believe, sought refuge in the sea. Not for nothing that my mother was a queen, I can not mingle with the crowd, even if my modest wants.

The truth is that they are unique. I do not care what a man can be transmitted to other men as the philosopher, I think that nothing can be communicated through the art of writing. The annoying and trivial minutiae do not have shelter in my mind that it is liable only to the great, I could never remember the difference between one letter and another. Generous impatience has not permitted me to learn to read. Sometimes I regret, because the nights and days are long.

Of course, I do not miss distractions. As the ram rushes, I run the corridors of stone to fall to the ground in the grip of vertigo. I crouch in the shade of a tank at the corner of a hallway and play hide and seek. There are terraces which I let myself fall until I am bloody. At any moment I can pretend to be asleep, eyes closed and breathing heavily (sometimes actually fall asleep, and sometimes when I open my eyes, the color of the day has changed). But of all the games, I prefer that of another Asterion. I guess he comes to visit me and that I show him the house. With big bows, I tell him: "Now we go back to the first corner," or "now blossomed into another yard," or, "I told you I would have liked the water channel," or "Now you I see who has a tank filled with sand, "or" You'll see how it splits the cellar. " Sometimes I'm wrong, and we both laughed.

But I only imagined games, I have also meditated on the house. All parts of the house are repeated, wherever it is held elsewhere. There are a tank, a courtyard, a fountain, a barn, the stables are endless, fountains, courtyards, cisterns. The house is big as the world. However, by dint of a tanker along the courtyards and dusty corridors of gray stone, I reached the road and saw the temple of the Axes and the sea. Not included until a night vision revealed to me that even the seas and temples are endless. Everything there many times, infinite Sometimes, only two things in the world seem to exist only once: above, the intricate sun; below, Asterion. Perhaps I have created the stars and the sun and this enormous house, but I can not remember.

Every nine years nine men entered the house, because I set them free from all evil. I hear their footsteps or their voice at the bottom of the stone galleries and I run joyfully to find them. The ceremony lasts a few minutes. They fall one after another, without that I will stain your hands with blood. Where did remain, and their bodies help distinguish one gallery from others. I do not know who they are, but I know that one of them prophesied, at the point to die, who would one day come my redeemer. Since then the loneliness I do not regret, because I know that my redeemer lives and one day rise from the dust. If my ear could hear all the noises of the world, I hear his footsteps. Take me to a place with fewer galleries and fewer doors What will my redeemer? Maybe it is a bull with a human face? Or will it be like me?

The morning sun shone on the bronze sword. There remained no trace of blood.
"Would you believe it, Ariadne?" said Theseus. "The Minotaur he has not nearly defended."

* The original says fourteen, but there are reasons to infer that, in the mouth of
Asterion, the numeral adjective is endless. [N. d. A.]

(Jorge Louis Borges, The House of Asterion in The Aleph, Adelphi)

Palmolive Ingredients Msds

The House of Asterion - Jorge Louis Borges

"And the queen gave birth to a son who was called Asterion"
Apollodorus, Library III, 1

I know you accuse me of arrogance, and perhaps misanthropy, or madness. These charges (which will punish in due time) are ridiculous.
It is true that I leave the house, but it is also true that the doors (whose number is infinite) * remain open day and night to men and animals. Who wants to enter. You will not find luxury here womanly ne 'the splendid pomp of palaces, but the quiet and solitude.
It will find a home as there is none other on earth. (Mind the claim that in Egypt there is one like that.)
Even my detractors admit that the house is not only a mobile. Another lie is ridiculous that I, Asterion, am a prisoner. I'll have to repeat that there is a locked door, and added that there is only one lock? Moreover, once the sun set through the streets, and if the first night I went, it was for fear that infuses the faces of the crowd, faces faded and flat, like an open hand. The sun had set, but the heartfelt cry of a child and the rude I said prayers for the flock had been recognized. The people prayed, fled, prostrated themselves, and some climbed on stylobate of the temple of the Axes, others gathered stones. Someone, I believe, sought refuge in the sea. Not for nothing that my mother was a queen, I can not mingle with the crowd, even if my modest wants.

The truth is that they are unique. I do not care what a man can be transmitted to other men as the philosopher, I think that nothing can be communicated through the art of writing. The annoying and trivial minutiae do not have shelter in my mind that it is liable only to the great, I could never remember the difference between one letter and another. Generous impatience has not permitted me to learn to read. Sometimes I regret, because the nights and days are long.

Of course, I do not miss distractions. As the ram rushes, I run the corridors of stone to fall to the ground in the grip of vertigo. I crouch in the shade of a tank at the corner of a hallway and play hide and seek. There are terraces which I let myself fall until I am bloody. At any moment I can pretend to be asleep, eyes closed and breathing heavily (sometimes actually fall asleep, and sometimes when I open my eyes, the color of the day has changed). But of all the games, I prefer that of another Asterion. I guess he comes to visit me and that I show him the house. With big bows, I tell him: "Now we go back to the first corner," or "now blossomed into another yard," or, "I told you I would have liked the water channel," or "Now you I see who has a tank filled with sand, "or" You'll see how it splits the cellar. " Sometimes I'm wrong, and we both laughed.

But I only imagined games, I have also meditated on the house. All parts of the house are repeated, wherever it is held elsewhere. There are a tank, a courtyard, a fountain, a barn, the stables are endless, fountains, courtyards, cisterns. The house is big as the world. However, by dint of a tanker along the courtyards and dusty corridors of gray stone, I reached the road and saw the temple of the Axes and the sea. Not included until a night vision revealed to me that even the seas and temples are endless. Everything there many times, infinite Sometimes, only two things in the world seem to exist only once: above, the intricate sun; below, Asterion. Perhaps I have created the stars and the sun and this enormous house, but I can not remember.

Every nine years nine men entered the house, because I set them free from all evil. I hear their footsteps or their voice at the bottom of the stone galleries and I run joyfully to find them. The ceremony lasts a few minutes. They fall one after another, without that I will stain your hands with blood. Where did remain, and their bodies help distinguish one gallery from others. I do not know who they are, but I know that one of them prophesied, at the point to die, who would one day come my redeemer. Since then the loneliness I do not regret, because I know that my redeemer lives and one day rise from the dust. If my ear could hear all the noises of the world, I hear his footsteps. Take me to a place with fewer galleries and fewer doors What will my redeemer? Maybe it is a bull with a human face? Or will it be like me?

The morning sun shone on the bronze sword. There remained no trace of blood.
"Would you believe it, Ariadne?" said Theseus. "The Minotaur he has not nearly defended."

* The original says fourteen, but there are reasons to infer that, in the mouth of
Asterion, the numeral adjective is endless. [N. d. A.]

(Jorge Louis Borges, The House of Asterion in The Aleph, Adelphi)

Backyard Weddings, Sacramento, Ca


(...) There must be a night to each, one night in your life that you will remember forever. And if you know the night is coming, and tonight will be that particular night, then grab it, do not ask questions, and, after it did not mention it to anyone. Why, if you let it escape route, it may not come back another time. (...)

(Ray Bradbury, One night in your life, the time traveler in , 1988, Oscar Mondadori, 2003)

Backyard Weddings, Sacramento, Ca


(...) There must be a night to each, one night in your life that you will remember forever. And if you know the night is coming, and tonight will be that particular night, then grab it, do not ask questions, and, after it did not mention it to anyone. Why, if you let it escape route, it may not come back another time. (...)

(Ray Bradbury, One night in your life, the time traveler in , 1988, Oscar Mondadori, 2003)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I Am Cherokee Indian Would I Turn Into A Wolf

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

I just finished reading American Gods , perhaps the best-known novel by Neil Gaiman. English born in 1960, Gaiman is best known for being one of the fathers of Sandman, comic book series published from 1989 to 1996.
As Sandman, his novel in this live among men gods, gods, myths and legends. The story revolves around Shadow, strange man just out of prison he meets Wednesday, mysterious figure, and of course, not human. So slowly emerges from a war to the death of the old, brought to America by immigrants in many different eras, and the new ones, those of television, internet, money.
The novel is very nice, fast and easy to read, especially on the writing very dynamic and imaginative Gaiman. With a few words can create strong images, showing a good imagination. It 'friendly the characterization of the gods, disguised as humans, always forgotten by the people who once worshiped them, forced to do menial jobs. At the end
one gets the impression that you have read a very good adventure story, but not memorable, does not seem to leave much to think. The beginning is really beautiful and engaging, then you lose in the second half and closed at the end seems in a hurry. However fantstastico a good novel by an author with a great imagination.

I Am Cherokee Indian Would I Turn Into A Wolf

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

I just finished reading American Gods , perhaps the best-known novel by Neil Gaiman. English born in 1960, Gaiman is best known for being one of the fathers of Sandman, comic book series published from 1989 to 1996.
As Sandman, his novel in this live among men gods, gods, myths and legends. The story revolves around Shadow, strange man just out of prison he meets Wednesday, mysterious figure, and of course, not human. So slowly emerges from a war to the death of the old, brought to America by immigrants in many different eras, and the new ones, those of television, internet, money.
The novel is very nice, fast and easy to read, especially on the writing very dynamic and imaginative Gaiman. With a few words can create strong images, showing a good imagination. It 'friendly the characterization of the gods, disguised as humans, always forgotten by the people who once worshiped them, forced to do menial jobs. At the end
one gets the impression that you have read a very good adventure story, but not memorable, does not seem to leave much to think. The beginning is really beautiful and engaging, then you lose in the second half and closed at the end seems in a hurry. However fantstastico a good novel by an author with a great imagination.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Reactive Lymphs Mononucleosis

Exhibition Opening - March

Heck, it's almost a month since the place ... time flies.

Here are the shows that are open or have opened this month. Some are particularly interesting to see.

March 2 to July 29
Cézanne in Florence. Two Collectors and the Exhibition of 1910
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi
-Times Friday - Wednesday: 9-20, Friday: 9-23

March 3 to July 8
Luca Cambiaso. A master of the sixteenth century European
Genoa, the Doge's apartments, the Doge's Palace - Palazzo Rosso, Via Garibaldi 18 hours
-Palazzo Ducale: Tuesday - Sunday: 9-19; Red Palace: Tuesday - Friday 9-19, Saturday and Sunday : 10-19

March 10 to June 24
Kandinsky and Abstract Art in Italy 1930-1950
Milan, Palazzo Reale, Piazza Duomo 12
Hours - Tuesday-Sunday 9:30 to 19:30, Thursday, 09.30 - 22.30 Monday 14:30 to 19:30

March 31 to July 22
Piero della Francesca and the Italian courts
Arezzo, Museum of Medieval and Modern Times

Reactive Lymphs Mononucleosis

Exhibition Opening - March

Heck, it's almost a month since the place ... time flies.

Here are the shows that are open or have opened this month. Some are particularly interesting to see.

March 2 to July 29
Cézanne in Florence. Two Collectors and the Exhibition of 1910
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi
-Times Friday - Wednesday: 9-20, Friday: 9-23

March 3 to July 8
Luca Cambiaso. A master of the sixteenth century European
Genoa, the Doge's apartments, the Doge's Palace - Palazzo Rosso, Via Garibaldi 18 hours
-Palazzo Ducale: Tuesday - Sunday: 9-19; Red Palace: Tuesday - Friday 9-19, Saturday and Sunday : 10-19

March 10 to June 24
Kandinsky and Abstract Art in Italy 1930-1950
Milan, Palazzo Reale, Piazza Duomo 12
Hours - Tuesday-Sunday 9:30 to 19:30, Thursday, 09.30 - 22.30 Monday 14:30 to 19:30

March 31 to July 22
Piero della Francesca and the Italian courts
Arezzo, Museum of Medieval and Modern Times

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hardcore Seen Of Nadine Jansen

INLAND EMPIRE - David Lynch. Subtitle: what?!

"Hey, David ... What are you doing?"

I do not know, I can not express a sensible opinion on the latest film by Lynch, which for me will always be a genius, one of the most visionary and revolutionary.
But this does not get it. Ok, I will say that the others were not so very clear. But this does not have rhyme or reason ... that we can be, but the film is ultimately indigestible. According to Lynch brings me to the extreme consequences of his films, his art, not so much gigioneria for tirarsela for a living or his status as a director of worship. It does so because he had the opportunity to do so (thanks all'economicissimo digital, with which it was made), it is because he is so, period. It is not an intellectual. This is pure Lynch. And I doubt that Lynch is better than a bit 'held back by the producers ... a hint of a script.
Here is a script, not in history but in the construction of symbolic references, which are gathered in the film and give sense of it all. But we often faced with unnecessary scenes just too long and too silly. Three hours of film, with some sequences from anthologies and hitting, you are left in the mind but also with so much boredom ...
Someone said that this movie or you love it or hate ... I have hated and loved at the same time.
not know, maybe the importance of this film.
Sometimes I say that is really disgusting ... other times I look and meditate there. So for me right now, you can not judge ... we are faced with an object movie that is not part of this time, born in the wrong coordinates ... Music
really beautiful and disturbing. Model fantstico
some, others like the wood ... I've never endured Dern.
However, to understand who is Lynch, so here is her comment: "
do not know why people expect art to be meaningful, since it accepts the idea that life is meaningless."
Last note ... I have a lot of biblical references.
Here, I feel like coming to see him again. Lynch Damn!

" David, I do not understand you ... But it's ok"

Hardcore Seen Of Nadine Jansen

INLAND EMPIRE - David Lynch. Subtitle: what?!

"Hey, David ... What are you doing?"

I do not know, I can not express a sensible opinion on the latest film by Lynch, which for me will always be a genius, one of the most visionary and revolutionary.
But this does not get it. Ok, I will say that the others were not so very clear. But this does not have rhyme or reason ... that we can be, but the film is ultimately indigestible. According to Lynch brings me to the extreme consequences of his films, his art, not so much gigioneria for tirarsela for a living or his status as a director of worship. It does so because he had the opportunity to do so (thanks all'economicissimo digital, with which it was made), it is because he is so, period. It is not an intellectual. This is pure Lynch. And I doubt that Lynch is better than a bit 'held back by the producers ... a hint of a script.
Here is a script, not in history but in the construction of symbolic references, which are gathered in the film and give sense of it all. But we often faced with unnecessary scenes just too long and too silly. Three hours of film, with some sequences from anthologies and hitting, you are left in the mind but also with so much boredom ...
Someone said that this movie or you love it or hate ... I have hated and loved at the same time.
not know, maybe the importance of this film.
Sometimes I say that is really disgusting ... other times I look and meditate there. So for me right now, you can not judge ... we are faced with an object movie that is not part of this time, born in the wrong coordinates ... Music
really beautiful and disturbing. Model fantstico
some, others like the wood ... I've never endured Dern.
However, to understand who is Lynch, so here is her comment: "
do not know why people expect art to be meaningful, since it accepts the idea that life is meaningless."
Last note ... I have a lot of biblical references.
Here, I feel like coming to see him again. Lynch Damn!

" David, I do not understand you ... But it's ok"

Where To Find Vin Number On Nissan Outboard

Exhibition Opening - February

I want to start a sort of address book, a small calendar of some Italian exhibitions and also foreign companies that open up, month by month. Then I hope to see as much as possible and try to tell the My ...

February 16 to June 10
Macchiaioli. Feeling of true
Turin, Palazzo Bricherasio, Via Lagrange 20
Times -
Monday: 14:30 to 19:30, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 9:30 to 19:30, Thursday, Saturday: 9:30 to 22:30

February 18 to May 20
Renaissance found. Bramante and Leonardo in the age of canals and
Abbiategrasso Ticino (Mi), Convent of the
Hours - 18 / 2 - 31 / 3: 9.30-18.30; 1 / 4 - 20 / 5: 9:30 to 19:30

February 18 to May 20
Symbolism. From Moreau to Gauguin and Klimt
Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Corso Ercole I d'Este 21
Times - Sunday - Thursday: 9-20 pm, Friday - Saturday: 9-22

February 22 to June 3
Desiderio da Settignano. The discovery of grace in Renaissance sculpture
Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Via del Proconsolo 4
Times - 8.15-18

February 24 to June 10
the peak. A Europe of the nineteenth century Romantic painter
Cremona, Santa Maria della Pietà, Pope John XXIII
Times Square - Tuesday-Saturday: 9-19, Sunday and holidays: 10-19

Where To Find Vin Number On Nissan Outboard

Exhibition Opening - February

I want to start a sort of address book, a small calendar of some Italian exhibitions and also foreign companies that open up, month by month. Then I hope to see as much as possible and try to tell the My ...

February 16 to June 10
Macchiaioli. Feeling of true
Turin, Palazzo Bricherasio, Via Lagrange 20
Times -
Monday: 14:30 to 19:30, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 9:30 to 19:30, Thursday, Saturday: 9:30 to 22:30

February 18 to May 20
Renaissance found. Bramante and Leonardo in the age of canals and
Abbiategrasso Ticino (Mi), Convent of the
Hours - 18 / 2 - 31 / 3: 9.30-18.30; 1 / 4 - 20 / 5: 9:30 to 19:30

February 18 to May 20
Symbolism. From Moreau to Gauguin and Klimt
Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Corso Ercole I d'Este 21
Times - Sunday - Thursday: 9-20 pm, Friday - Saturday: 9-22

February 22 to June 3
Desiderio da Settignano. The discovery of grace in Renaissance sculpture
Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Via del Proconsolo 4
Times - 8.15-18

February 24 to June 10
the peak. A Europe of the nineteenth century Romantic painter
Cremona, Santa Maria della Pietà, Pope John XXIII
Times Square - Tuesday-Saturday: 9-19, Sunday and holidays: 10-19